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Chapter History

You have to know where you’ve been to know where you are going. Kappa holds a special place in its heart for Fraternity history, but every chapter of our organization has unique beginnings of its own. Each plays a part in shaping us today. Read more about our chapters’ histories in Kappa's digital archives.

Along with the seven other sororities and five fraternities, Kappa is part of a vibrant Fraternity Sorority Life community on Creighton’s campus. Eta Iota chapter was installed at Creighton University on April 2, 2005.

While Kappa is not housed, like most of Creighton’s Panhellenic chapters, we strive to provide that close connection through other means such as overnight sisterhood retreats, study breaks, and lunch or dinner dates. In fact, many Kappas choose to live together whether on campus or off!